“Surgeon Slaps Me!”

I have just arrived home in Malaysia, after spending many years in Belfast.  Opened up The Star newspaper, thinking of updating myself with the current issues in Malaysia.

I read with horror, the story of a Cardiothoracic Surgeon (who is also a Professor in University Malaya) slapping a female anesthetist… What surprised me more is the comments mad by the UMCC director on the incident.

Apparently, this Professor of Surgery slapped a female anesthetic medical officer, in theater with his gloved hand during surgery. It was reported that his gloves were bloody, contaminated with patient’s body fluid. The anesthetist fought back and broke the surgeon’s glasses.

What a nightmare! It is abused of junior medical staff! It is assault. It is a criminal offence! What a disgrace to the medical profession, that a Professor of Surgery behaved in such a manner.

It was reported that some Medical Officers later refuse to work with this Surgeon after this incident. I would have refused to be any where near this barbarian. He should be behind the bars not in theater.

Interestingly, the UMMC director responded that “we will resolve this matter…. There is no such thing as doctors not wanting to work with this surgeon!” Hah! That is such a joke! Is he condoning this SamSeng behavior? Obviously this matter needs to be sorted, but the right thing to do here is to suspend the Surgeon from all his duty until police investigation is completed. He should be struck of the medical registry if proven guilty.

Sigh… if the Malaysian Authority does not take appropriate actions, there is still a long way before we can achieve a civilized society.

P.S. I wonder if that patient who was being operated on during this saga survived to leave Malaysia’s Top University Hospital.

2 Responses to ““Surgeon Slaps Me!””

  1. Kay Says:
    November 26th, 2005 at 1:15 am hi,

    I think the above incident is not uncommon in third world countries though…… However, I do not agree that I would be comfy with such uncivilized act to fall on anyone in anyway .

    On the other hand what did the female anaesthetist do to deserved such punishment??

  2. Cheng Hiang Says:
    November 26th, 2005 at 8:07 am There is no excuse for this act of aggression, even if the anesthetist forget to gas your patient, that is not an excuse to slap her…