2020 remains as a dream

2 weeks of holidays at home in KL is over. Lazying, doing nothing for 2 weeks was therapeutic. There was time for reflection.

I have been overseas for many years now. KL is developing at a scary rate. So many new highways and flyovers, I nearly lost my way in my own backyard. Unfortunately, the near first world infrastructure is still being abused by Malaysians with 3rd world mentality. Illegal parking, aggressive driving, lawlessness on the road.


KLIA  has a pickup zone with 3 lanes, however, illegal parking along the pickup zone cause the traffic to stand still at times. The traffic police were seen smoking nearby, but no action were taken against those cars illegally parked. Such a contrast to airport in first world countries.


The day I fly out from KLIA, I arrived more than 2 hours before departure time. There were 2 long queues at MAS check in counters. It took me more than an hour to check in, even though KLIA is no where near it’s maximum capacity. I wonder if it is inefficiency or poor management? Can’t remember queuing up that long in Heathrow.


By election in Ijok, politicians are still harping on same old issues. Journalists interviewing the politicians are far from being critical, or are they just being “berbudi bahasa”?


Back under the blue sky in Sydney, life is so much more simple when you are an outsider…