Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia MCQ

True/False Question. Mark true or false for each stem.


Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia

A) Cause by transplacental transfer of IgM alloantibodies

B) Most common cause of severe neonatal thrombocytopenia

C) May result in intracranial haemorrhage

D) Maternal platelet antibody is always detectable.

E) Treated with high dose steroid.


Written by CH LEE on 23/10/2007

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Noonan Syndrome MCQ

Choose The Best Answer

Noonan Syndrome,

A) is a chromosomal syndrome.

B) is an autosomal recessive disorder.

C) is called “male Turner”, therefore only affect males.

D) Aortic stenosis is the most common cardiac abnormally.

E) Mutation in PTPN11 gene is associated with 50% of the cases.


Written by CH LEE on 19/10/2007

About my MCQ. 

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Lee Kuan Yew on Dumb generals in Myanmar…

 Interesting interview with Lee Kuan Yew, the great leader of Singapore. Read more at the link below.

Q: Can I go back to your comment about Myanmar and the video that’s getting out from the hand-helds, where, unlike Tiananmen in 1989, you cannot just pull the plug on all visuals. With regard to Myanmar — and I realize anyone’s guess is as good as anyone else’s — but did you see that it’s plausible to ask China, as it did at the Six-Party Talks, in some way to work skillfully and work behind the scenes to assume a role in moving Myanmar forward out of the Middle Ages and maybe into the real world?

Lee: I’m not sure the Chinese have got that power. And in Myanmar, these are rather dumb generals when it comes to the economy.

Q: They are!

Lee: How they can so mismanage the economy and reach this stage when the country has so many natural resources?

Q: It’s a gift!

Lee: It’s stupid. So I’m not sure. The Chinese, they’ve tried, and, in fact, we have tried to talk them out of isolation. I tried through a general called Khin Nyunt. He’s the most intelligent of the lot. I sold him the idea, or at least he bought the idea, that the way for them to go forward was to get out of uniform and do it like Suharto, form a party — Golkar — and then take over as a civilian party. But halfway through, Suharto fell. So, it ended up as the wrong advice, they back-tracked. Then they chucked Kyin Nyunt out.

Q: Timing is everything!

Lee: Meanwhile, I had advised several of our hoteliers to set up hotels there. They have sunk in millions of dollars there and now, their hotels are empty. But, you know, you’ve got really economically dumb people in charge. Why they believe they can keep their country cut off from the world like this indefinitely, I cannot understand. And you know, you need medicines — they smuggle in from Thailand. It doesn’t make sense.

We will see how it is, but whatever it is, I do not believe that they can survive indefinitely. Look, the day they decided to close down the government in Yangon and go into this Pyinmana, or whatever the place is called where there’s nothing and they are putting up expensive buildings for themselves and a golf course — and the top general had a lavish wedding for his daughter which was then out on YouTube — the daughter was like a Christmas tree! Flaunting these excesses must push a hungry and impoverished people to revolt. But what will happen, I don’t know because the army has got to be part of the solution. If the army is dissolved, the country has got nothing to govern itself because they have dismantled all administrative instruments.