
Australian Labor Party won a landslid election and Kevin Rudd is the next Australian Prime Minister. This is my first experience of a change in government. It will interesting to observe the transition as a foreigner.

I am glad that Australia’s PM speak Mandarin and understand Chinese culture. He also have a Chinese son-in-law. With this background, hopefully his policies will not discriminate against the ethnics minority.

With his understanding of Chinese Culture, hopefully Kevin Rudd will have a better relationship with China. In this era where Chinese economy is booming, having a PM who speak Mandarin will be good for Australia’s economy.


Kevin Rudd, congratulation.  陆克文, 恭喜了.

X-linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA)


True/False question.

X-linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA)

A) there is no circulating B cells

B) Associated with enlarge tonsils and lymphadenopathy

C) Only affect boys

D) Affected individual are unwell from birth

E) Affected individual can receive oral Polio vaccine with no increase risk


Written by CH LEE on 5/11/2007

About my MCQ. 

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