Wilms Tumour and associated syndromes MCQ

Choose the best answer


Wilms Tumour is associated with the following syndromes except

A) WAGR syndrome

B) Denys-Drash Syndrome

C) Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome

D) Down’s Syndrome

E) Perlman Syndrome



Written by CH LEE on 31/12/2007

About my MCQ.

Please give suggestions and update to this question. Click on comments below for answer.


Down Syndrome and Leukemia MCQ

True/false question.


Children with Down Syndrome

A) acute leukemia is less common than general population

B) AML is more common than ALL

C) prognosis in AML is better than general population

D) diagnosed with ALL should be given a higher dose of methotrexate

E) Neonates with Down syndrome who developed myeloproliferative syndrome, need to have immediate high dose chemotherapy.


Written by CH LEE on 31/12/2007

About my MCQ. 

Please give suggestions and update to this question. Click on comments below for answer.


Love Birds

I saw this pair of Rock dove (feral pigeon) while walking along Coogee Coastal Walk, 8km from Sydney CBD.

Kissing is not unique to human lovers. This act is called “billing“. Where the female pigeon, put her beak inside the beak of the male pigeon. Note the female pigeon is the one with orange coloured eyes.

Mating… The male is on top. He flapped his wings while copulating…

Is this a celebration dance for successfully passing on his genes?

My Australian Birds List


Interesting article from DrLiew’s Blog


中国大陆 在马的留学小龙女们 阿娜多姿 , 大马的男性意志力又不坚强, 您是否考虑停止招收年轻又漂亮的外国学生?

再不然,您可向回教党看齐… 规律一且小龙女留学生们,不可抛头露面,外出时必须穿上布卡(burka).

引进中国女佣的课题关键何在 , 您心知肚明。


Size does not matter

The stare of death!

Dare you take me on little fella?

Sting like a bee! Float like a butterfly…

I am taking you on big lad…


Victory is sweet… Size does not matter.


The smaller bird is a noisy miner, the bigger bird is a pied currawong.

Life is imperfect, even the birds have a dispute. How do you managed conflict in life? Do you pick a fight like the noisy miner? Or do you smile and walk away?


Red Man Syndrome MCQ

True/false question.

Red Man Syndrome.

A. Is commonly seen after second oral dose of penicillin

B. Is a anaphylactic reaction

C. Is cause by mast cells degranulation

D. Also called “red bottom syndrome” in paediatrics, as the erythematous rash in children with red man syndrome is seen mainly around the gluteal region.

E. Must be treated immediately with IM adrenaline.


Written by CH LEE on 16/12/2007

About my MCQ.

Please give suggestions and update to this question. Click on comments below for answer.

Birdwatching at Yeramba Lagoon NSW

I made full use of my weekend off going birdwatching at Yeramba Lagoon. My house mate came along for fishing at Georges River National Park. Yeramba Lagoon is about 40 minutes drive from Randwick. We arrived just before 7am.


I have with me my small Canon 350D and a nice Canon 100-400L IS lens. Hand held with no tripod or monopod, as I am still finding it difficult to managed my monopod while birding.


The is a trek around the lagoon, I decided to walk anticlockwise so that the sun is behind me in the first half of the trek to maximize my chance of getting some good photos. Trekking was not as straight forward as I thought, as there are too many junctions and some part of the trek are not clear. Good sign that not many people walking through this area. I met one other person during the 2 hours walking and photographing.


Yeramba Lagoon

Lots of vegetation in the lagoon.

Eurasian Coot

This Eurasian Coot (Fulica Atra) caught my eyes.

Building Nest

Why is he moving a leave?

Baby Eurasian Coot

Obviously is for this cute little fella. A baby Eurasian Coot.

Feeding time

Feeding time…. Keeping this young one alive is not easy.

Hehe… Nature’s miracle. Eurasian coot walk on water too. I am converted!


I think this duck is called a Hardhead, Aythya Australis. Australian only diving duck. Too bad I did not know about this fact, and did not sit around to see him diving.

All in all… it was a nice break from the busy hospital work.