Beauty is in the EYES

Little Black Cormorant, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris

Little Black Cormorant, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris

Little Black Cormorant, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris.

Slow down… Spend some time admiring the beautiful jade green eyes of this Little Black Cormorant.

See beyond the dull feathers, look into the eyes and reach the soul.

Can you see beyond the surface? Can you appreciate the subtle beauty?


My Australian Birds List

Photography Equipments

Canon EOS 350D

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens

Sydney Cenntenial Park, July 2008

Eastern Spinebill, Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris

Eastern Spinebill, Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris

Eastern Spinebill, Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris

Eastern Spinebill is a type of honeyeater. There are quick to fly from flower to flower. Quite a challenge to photograph. The flower is a Crimson Bottlebrush, Callistemon Citrinus. Picture taken in Australian National Botanic Garden.

Photography Equipments

Canon EOS 350D

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens

Seeds of Tomorrow, Blossoms of Yesterday

Beautiful Blossom

Bodhi Nite 2008: Seeds of Tomorrow, Blossoms of Yesterday.

Intriguing theme for Bodhi Nite 2008. Not quite sure what is the message behind this year’s theme.

A simplistic view of the law of Karma, our action will produce a reaction. The seed that we planted yesterday, may blossoms tomorrow. Is Bodhi Nite 2008’s theme consistent with the law of Karma?

I just bought this flower from the florist today. It is fresh and beautiful.

Seeds of Tomorrow, Blossoms of Yesterday

Seeds of Tomorrow, Blossoms of Yesterday

Photography Equipments

Canon EOS 350D
CANON 50mm f/1.8 II Lens

Unibuds Winter Retreat 2008 at Sunnataram

Unibuds Winter Retreat 2008 at Sunnataram Forest Monastry, Bundanoon, NSW.

Links to blogs and photo pages of this retreat. May you rejoice with the happy memories, hopefully blog entry can also serve as a reference to future participants.

Please send me a link, if you have photos/blogs or anything else related to Unibuds Winter Retreat.


Sunnataram Forest Monastry


1. Shi Ying the Winter Retreat Organizer’s Photo Blog, Inspiring!  BYO Karma, DIY Karma!

2. Cheng Hiang’s blog entry on bird photography during Unibuds Winter Retreat 2008.

3. Khai Yi blogging about details of Winter Retreat 2008

4. Kelly 善家兒 Photoblog.

5. Cheng Tuck the pro photographer, PhotoBlog

====Winter Retreat 2007========

Cheng Hiang’s experience in Unibuds Winter Retreat 2007 at Sunnataram

Wee Han’s Winter Retreat experience 2007


1. Cheng Hiang’s random photos of Winter Retreat 2008

2. Camp Fire night Winter Retreat 2008 by CH

3. Winter retreat from the lens of a psychologist… Amy 子琪 photos

4. ShiYing’s WR Photo page

More to come…hopefully.

Sunnataram Winter Retreat 2008

Return to Sunnataram for Winter Retreat with Unibuds. Much needed time off to recentre myself. Wonderful feeling to be surrounded by nature, friends, and good spiritual teaching. It was a healing trip… Thank you, Unibuds and Sunnataram for hosting this event.

Taken using 100-400L

Crimson Rosella, Platycercus elegans.

This photo was taken during this year retreat.  Using Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens and the same canon 350D camera.

Below is a photo of a Crimson Rosella taken in Sunnataram Winter Retreat 2007. Same camera, but using a Tamron 70-300 lens. I like to think that there is some improvement in my photograph. Not sure if it was the lens, or did my photography skills improved?

Taken using Tamron Lens

Taken using Tamron Lens


Potrait of Crimson Rosella

The photos below were taken by Khai Yi. Thank you for capturing the moment!

Look at the bird in the top left corner flying in…

Crimson Rosella Homing in...

Crimson Rosella Homing in...

Landing safely on my lens

Landing safely on my lens

Taking a bite... Does my thumb look like a piece of dried bread?

Taking a bite... Does my thumb look like a piece of dried bread?

Me and nature… I am at home. Can’t do what I am not…

My Australian Birds List

Photography Equipments

Canon EOS 350D

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens