无志汉子难 Direction of life…





某日在网上看见这首诗, 挺喜欢诗中得用字和押韵。 可惜就把钱看得太重了。有位朋友把“钱”换成“志”, 这诗就不再俗里俗气的。





人生钱必然重要; 但是如果只会向钱看其,那生活就不太有意思了。

Translation for my English readers

I came accross this poem while surfing.

South Sea purple bamboo is green,

North Sea green bamboo is purple,

With MONEY, you are the man,

Without MONEY, you are not much of a man.

Obviously, the beauty of the poem is very much lost in translation.  Since it does not rhyme anymore. I quite like the rhyme and play of words in this poem, but just did not agree with the materialistic emphasis.

A friend of mine, changed 2 words on the poem,  and now it is less worldly. MONEY was changed to AMBITION (direction in life). With ambition and direction in life, you are a worthy man!

Poem credit to 薰衣草.

Photo was taken by me. Using Canon 350D with 100-400L. Shallow dept of field achieved by large aperture on a long lens. Photo taken in a national park in  NSW, during a bushwalking/biriding trip.

916 Attempted Back Door Entrance

Anwar Ibrahim claimed that he has the number of MPs needed to cross over to form govervement on 16 September 2008. Obviously it has not materialised.

In principle, I do not agree with this Pakatan Rakyat attempt to wrestle power from BN government. Tempting/Convincing/brainwash/buying over MPs to cross over is wrong in principle. The reason is simple, most people do not vote for a particular candidate during election; most people voted for the party that the candidate belongs to. Without the party, the candidate would not have the same level of support.

If the candidate, chose to change his political alliance after winning the seat, he should not hold on to the seat that he have won with his previous party. Be a person with principles, vacate the seat and force a by-election.  Give the people a chance to decide if  they really want to elect you when you are no longer part of a certain political party.

Being part of a political party is about believing in a certain sets of political value. For example, DAP believe in a Malaysian Malaysia; PAS believe in a Islamic State Malaysia. Change in political party, means change in values. The people have every right to decide, whether they still want the MP who have changed his political values.

916 attempt in wrestling power, was an attempt to enter governmet via the back door. Shameless.







2008 中秋节

Celebrating mid autumn festival today.

One of my friends quoted the first 2 lines of this “poem”. And I wrote the last 2 lines as a reply…

Literally translated:

The moon hang over the willow tree,

we have a date (appointment) in the evening time.

2 candles one glass, drink.

Where is my date?

This painted a story of a man asking a girl out for a date, he was waiting for her for their candlelight dinner, but she did not turn up.

Reflection on Ahmad Ismail and the Pendatang

Ahmad Ismail, a UMNO politician was reported to called the Chinese Malaysians as “Pendatang” (Outsider, Migrant). During a press conference, some of his supportors were tearing up a portrait of a “Pendatang” leader, ex-Chief Minister Dr Kor Tsu Koon. Google the story here.

Ahmad Ismails supporters

Ahmad Ismail's supporters, click thumbnail to be link back to the original photo.

From a photographer’s view point, this is a great photo! Capturing so much of the emotion and anger. Capturing the heat of the moment. Shooting from below, just made the subject looked more intimidating and overpowering. Composition was perfect, having included the party logo was invaluable, as it give a context to the picture; this is not about a man tearing a photograph, this is about an UMNO supporter tearing a photograph of a Barisan National Leader.  There is so much science behind the arts of photography…

Seeing this picture as a student of the arts of mindfulness (Vipassanā), I am grateful that I had the chance to learn this arts. Being able to watch anger arising (in some instances) means that I had a chance to manage my anger.

As a 4th/5th generation “pendatang”. I have nothing wise to contribute to this mess.

Paeds ECG MCQ 2

Alex is a 4 weeks old baby. He was born at term, normal delivery with no complication. From 3 weeks old, he started to be irritable especially during breast feeding. Mum noticed that he was sweating during feeds, and seems to be distressed. His grandmother thinks that he has “reflux”.

Past few days the weather have been very cold. Alex was brought into Emergency Department with a low grade fever, rhinorrhea and poor feeding. On examination, he was found to be tachypnic and tachycardic. There was a soft systolic murmur. Few crepitation was heard over the lung field. Liver is palpable 3cm below the costal margin. An ECG was done as part of the work up for the murmur.

Click on ECG to see larger image

Click on ECG to see larger image

What is the most likely diagnosis.

A) Bronchiolitis

B) Tetralogy of Fallot

C) Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery

D) Coarctation of the aorta

E) Ventricular Septal Defect





Written by CH LEE on 9/9/2008

About my MCQ.

Please give suggestions and update to this question. Click on comments below for answer.


Related MCQ


Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, Gliciphila melanops

Tawny-crowned Honeyeater (Gliciphila melanops)

Tawny-crowned Honeyeater (Gliciphila melanops)

Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, Gliciphila melanops
Royal National Park, NSW, Australia. Early Spring 2008.

A few of us went for a walk in Royal National Park, NSW. We did part of the Coast Walk. There were many New Holland Honeyeaters around this time of the year. While showing KaYee how to use a telephoto lens, I spotted this Tawny-Crowned Honeyeater about 10 meters away, at the edge of the bush. Quite glad, that I was able to get about 3 meters from it, to get this photos.

Using a telephoto lens is still a challenge. The dept of field is so shallow that I often have problems with soft focus. Well… this is part of the fun of bird photography, fast moving subjects, often small in size; big lens, shallow dept of field, often too little light, and a pair of shaky hands.

Note: there were plenty of New Holland Honeyeaters around.


Photography Equipments

Canon EOS 350D

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens

Bodhi Nite 2008 Photos and Blogs Links

Bodhi Nite 2008 was great:)

Below are some links to photos and blogs about Bodhi Nite 2008. If you have any related sites to add on, please leave me a message below. Thank you!

Bodhi Nite 2008 promotion sites:

By Cheng Hiang

Bodhi Nite 2008


By Tina, one of my favourite bloggers



By Khai Yi, VP Unibuds



By PeiWen, VP Unibuds



By RouJin,



By JingLing,


Bodhi Nite 2008 Photos sites.

My BN2008 photos on Flickr


My BN2008 Photos on Facebook

Pre BN2008


BN2008 A


BN2008 B


BN2008 C


BN2008 D


Post BN2008



Photos from WaySiong Koh, one of the official BN08 photographers.



Photos by Katy@TeaTea, the toxiclittlefairy with a Nikki.



Photos by Cheng Tuck, 友情客窜photographer…



Photos by ZhiJun, The Star Singer:)


Blogs about Bodhi Nite 2008

PeiWen’s feeling about BN2008.



KhaiYi ecstatic after BN2008


KaYee, the technician behind the success of BN2008.


Hong Gee, receptionist on BN2008


Amy’s Blog, on her multiple roles during BN2008


Thanks Karma.mp3 –