Cook Of the Year 2009

Cook of the Year 2009, organized by Unibuds (UNSW Buddhist Society).  Good healthy food, Dhamma, and fellowship.

The Cooks of The Year

The Cook of The Year 2009

-The Cook of the Year team, combining good food with wise Dhamma teaching.

The winners.

The winners.

-Everyone is a winner. Practicing culinary skills, while learning the Dhamma.

The spectators

The spectators

-The presentations have capture their full attention.

The food

The food

– Well presented food, to the standard of 5 stars restaurant.

The Dhamma

The Dhamma

-Bernard: The food draw inspiration from the multicultural society,  the ingredients are all Australian grown…

CH: Buddhists are environmentally responsible citizen of the world.

The fellowship

The fellowship

– Always having a good laugh.

The photographers

The photographers. Photo credit Mandy Pang

-Obviously Unibuds events are incomplete withtout the Archive Team!

More Cook of the Year photos here 🙂

Autosomal Recessive Pedigree MCQ

Choose the BEST answer.

Genetic Pedigree

Genetic Pedigree

Mary (II,2) has 2 siblings with the same autosomal recessive disorder. Her brother died at 12 years old of this disease; her sister is 8 years old and has signs of this autosomal recessive disorder. The carrier frequency of this disorder in the general population is 1 in 25.  This disorder affects 1 in 2500 people.

Mary wants to know what is the risk of her unborned child being affected by this disorder.

A.  1 in 4

B. 1 in 2500

C. 1 in 25

D.  1 in 150

E.  1 in 100

Written by CH LEE on 24/3/2009

Click here for more free medical  MCQ.

Please give suggestions and update to this question. Click on comments below for answer.

Mechanism of action of Captopril MCQ

Choose the best answer.

Captopril is one of the drugs used in management of hypertension in children. What is the mechanism of action of captopril?

A. Inhibits conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II

B. Inhibits conversion of angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I

C. Angiotensin II antagonist

D. Promote production  of nitric oxide

E. Beta adrenargic antagonist

Written by CH LEE on 22/3/2009

Similar question in FRACP 2009

Click here for more free medical  MCQ.

Please give suggestions and update to this question. Click on comments below for answer.

Unibuds O-Picnic 2009

Unibuds annual O-Picnic is over. Food-Fun-Friends 🙂 Can’t ask for more.

tNew and old friends.

New and old friends.


Snipper on the roof, agents on the ground...

Snipper on the roof, agents on the ground...

*It is relatively difficult to not get photographed. There was about 7 SLR on the ground that morning.

O-Pinic 2009 Group Photo

O-Pinic 2009 Group Photo


Unibuds EXCO 2009

Unibuds EXCO 2009

More photos here…

Fire Alarm UNSW

It is only week 1 of uni. New College accommodation UNSW has only started to be in service less than 2 weeks, the NSW Fire brigades has been called to more than 10 false alarms in New College. Something is not right, either the alarm is over sensitive, smokers! or students burning toast.  Not sure how long before people learn to avoid triggering the false alarm.

The brighter side of things, evacuating from fire alarm is a good time and place to meet new friends.

False Alarm at New College UNSW

False Alarm at New College UNSW