Red rumped parrot

Red-rumped parrot (Psephotus haematonotus). This pair of Red-rumped photographed at my local patch. It is common to see pairs of Red-rumped parrot bathing in the creek. However, trying  to photograph them prove to be a little challenging with the reach of my 400mm lens.  I was lucky the other day, while trying to photograph the Eastern Great Egret, this pair landed about 2.5 meters away from me. They probably did not notice me sitting quietly behind a Banksia bush.

The male bird is the colourful one, with red feathers over the rump. The female Red-rumped parrot is olive in colour and does not have a red rump.

Love is… enjoying simple pleasure of life together?

The two photos below were taken in 2008, somewhere in Canberra.

Kissing parrots, unfortunately they were camera shy. When I moved to a better position, the pair flew off.


The green plumage of the Red-rumped parrot is perfect for camouflage while it feed on the ground in ankle deep grass.

It took 5 years and multiple bush walking trips to bring you these pictures. I hope you like it.

Eastern Great Egret Breeding Plumage

Eastern Great Egret (Ardea modesta), this tall and graceful water bird was photographed on Parramatta river in January 2013. Note the breeding plumage, and the lores that are bright turquoise coloured during the breeding season. Compared this with the non-breeding plumage photos [1], [2] taken from sometime ago.


Eastern Great Egret showing breeding plumage. I was lucky once, to photograph this display after multiple failed attempts.




Eastern great egret going about his daily feeding routine.


Photography Equipments

Canon EOS 5Dmk3
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens
My Australian Birds List