Australian Shelduck

Australian ShelduckTadorna tadornoides, is part of the Shelduck family. These photos were taken at Rottnest Island, Western Australia. The Australian Shelduck is found across Southern Australia, including Tasmania. It is locally common, but uncommon elsewhere in Australia.

The Australian Shelduck is a large, brightly coloured duck. Both sexes have different plumage. The male Australian Shelduck’s head and neck are black with a white neck ring. The female Australian Shelduck has a white ring around both eyes.


Female (left) and Male (right) Australian Shelduck.


This female Australian Shelduck  was shifting through foamy lake water. I wonder if there was insects or small marine creatures trapped in the foam.

Foam on it’s beaks, as if she had just down a pint of Guinness.

PhD is taking the toll on me. It has taken awhile for me to put up this post, but this blog shall not be declare dead, yet.

My Australian Birds List

Photography Equipments

Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens

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