35 thoughts on “About

  1. i agree with u.
    i am bit confused abt giving amc and getting assessment done by fracp at the same time, can u please explain how it works?

  2. AMC is the national body that deal with doctor’s registration.

    Passing the AMC exams, allow us to be registered as a medical practitional in Australia. If you have full registration in US, Canada or UK, you can also apply to be exempted form AMC exam.

    FRACP is a professional body. Passing the FRACP exam, and completing the training, you will become a physician/paediatrician. After qualifying as a Physician you can apply to AMC to be registered as a specialist. This is a limited registration, you can only work in the field you specilized in.

  3. MRCPCH is on hold… While I try to get the Australian exams. It is project 2010:)

    Ya… IMU grads are all over the world.

  4. thanks for dropping by my blog…
    i find your blog very interesting and educational..
    can i linked you?
    i think i’ll be dropping by quite often
    nice meeting you ^^

  5. hehe.. came here from shinyin’s blog.. holla buddhist doc! LOL.. actually dunno why, kinda hard to find buddhist doctors nowadays.. are they hard to find or just kept quiet all the time?

  6. Hi Cheng Hiang,

    Remember me or not? your classroom mate when you are form 1… i sit beside you… rindu lah kawan2 lama… hehehe….


  7. Hadiana… 🙂 Good to see you on my blog!
    Obviously I remembered you, the soft spoken girl seated next to me. It must be 10-12 years since I last saw you. How have you been?

  8. hi there,how is working life in australia?am planning to sit for AMC EXAM.doubting whether i should push ahead.care to give me some advice.thanks

    • Hi Henry, I am always happy to share the experience. Not quite sure your current situation, therefore it is difficult to give you any advice. If you have more specific questions, I am very happy to answer.

  9. Hi ichxian,thanks for the reply.think i am not been specific on the think i want.just want to know what are the prospectus of postgraduation in australia.i heard they mostly grant internal medicine and psychiatry for foreigner.care to clarify on that. and not to be rude,i am a graduate from manipal,india,currently doing my intership .thanks

  10. Henry, it is a long route trying to get establish in another country. You probably know that you have to pass the AMC and IELTS (band 7) before you can think about further training in Australia.

    First step is always difficult, getting your first job in Australia will be a good start. When I started, I had 2 years of paeds training in UK, but I started with a non-training job in a small hospital in Australia. That job, although is non-training, it enable me to get to know the system. By all means, try to get a training job, but if a non-training job come along, grab it.

    Competitive specialty are difficult to get in. You will not be discriminated you as long as you get your permanent residency. However, it would take you a few years before you are eligible to apply for PR. If you are thinking about doing Ortho or opthalmo then the route will be more difficult. Gen Med and psych as far as I know, it should be easy enough to get a job. Passing the FRACP is another hurdle.

  11. Hello again,on regard to FRACP,i heard that there is no award/qualification upon completion,are you ok with that?

  12. You will get admitted to the college and have FRACP letters behind your name, once you pass the exams and completed all the training. Therefore once you have FRACP, you are qualified to be a consultant Physician/Paediatrician in Australia.

  13. i want to sit for AMC EXAM,do i need anthology of medical condition?,i heard there are speculation that it might not be an important book to get.thank you

    • I have my AMC via another pathway, but I did passed the AMC part 1. Mainly did questions to prepare. Any MCQ books for undergrads will be useful. And there are lots of remembered questions somewhere online. But the quality of the remembered questions are pretty poor, these questions are only good as a guide on what kind of questions are in the bank.

      BTW, if you have not sat for AMC and is a fresh graduate, you may have to think twice to come over to Australia. By 2010 or 2011, there will be a sudden increase in interns graduating from local Australian med school. Even these students will have trouble finding intern jobs, so AMC graduate will have a really difficult time getting internship by then.

      Have a good think about it. Don’t waste your effort.

  14. I hope to get subspecialty training in the australia. with mrcpch, do i get a chance,?
    i’m a grad fr malaysia, and have been working in malaysia for 7 yrs.
    do i need to do the AMC exams too?


  15. Hello Paul, sorry for the late reply, I was offline for some weeks.

    Depends on what you really want to be trained in. I don’t think there is a straight forward answer for your case.

    In my opinion, if you are a Malaysian Grad with MRCPCH, you probably still have to get your AMC before able to get a job in Australia. However, some people do managed to get into fellowship (ie subspecialty training) without full registration with AMC. The number of years working in Msia, unfortunately does not give you any extra benefits.

    If you want sub-specialty training and end up with FRACP. Then, you probably have to sit for AMC then the FRACP exams. There is no concession for having MRCPCH, unless you are fully trained in UK with CCST (ie qualified consultant paediatrician in UK).

    I suggest you get in contact with RACP and AMC. Also will be helpful, if you know what subspecialty you want to train in and able to find an Australian contact for that subspecialty.

    Good luck.

  16. Dear Cheng Hiang,
    Am just wondering. I graduated from The UK (newcastle to be specific). If I want to apply for an intern post in Australia, do I have to sit for the AMC exam?

  17. Dear Syd,

    It is really difficult to get an internship in Aus. You are probably better off finishing your house officer year in UK, then get your full GMC before coming over to Aus. That case you will not need to sit for AMC.

  18. Dear Cheng Hiang,

    I too am a doctor in malaysia,been working here since july 2007.Graduated from india.I sat and passed all steps of my USMLE exams,but couldnt get a job there.
    I passed my AMC exam as well im march 2010.Been applying for a job ,but not able to secure 1,and i’ve applied to district hospitals ! Even 2011 is full.
    Do you have any suggestions whichh might help pls

  19. Hello Marcus.

    Good job for getting AMC. What stage of career are you at? Have you got any working experience in western country?
    A way to get into the system is by doing a unpaid honorary post for few months then get yourself into the system.

    If you are looking for internship. You have come at a really bad time. There is a big flux of medical graduate this few years. Even the Australian uni graduates from overseas are having trouble to get a intern job.

    If you are able to come in at a resident/registrar level, there are still jobs around. Especially in emergency departments in the smaller hospital.

    Else try less popular states like Northern Territory or Western Australia. May get a RMO/REG job in the country town.

    Alternatively, beef up your CV. Get MRCP/MRCS part 1 before you apply again. Attend ALS/APLS. Do some research with some big boss in Aus and get them to referee you.

    Good luck.

  20. Dear Dr Lee,

    I am an ornithologist from La Trobe University in Melbourne producing a brochure on the impact of Noisy Miners on native bird communities and was wondering if we would be able to include one of your photos of the miners attacking the dove in our brochure. If you were willing for us to use one of your photos, we would be keen to know if you have higher resolution versions of the image. Our production deadline is very tight, so I would be very grateful if you could get back to me Asap.

    Many thanks for considering my request,

    Yours sincerely,

    Mike Clarke

    Many thanks for considering

    • Hello Dr Lee
      I work with Professor Mike Clarke at La Trobe University. A colleague of mine would like to use your photo of the aggressive Noisy Miner in a publicity pamphlet and presentation he is giving at the Institute of Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra. Would it be acceptable to you if I sent your photo on to him? I will ask him to acknowledge your site with the photo.
      Your bird photos are wonderful.
      Best wishes,
      Dr Merilyn Grey
      La Trobe University

  21. Dear Dr Cheng,

    Am a fresh MBBS (2011) graduate from Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences. Am keen to take up the AMC examination but my university doesn’t come under their list of universities. What are the pathways that i can take in order to sit for this examination?
    Thank you for your effort and time.


    Hare Randall

    • Dear Hare,

      If your school is not a school recognised by AMC, I don’t think you have a way into Australia, besides going through med school again in an Australian University or a university that is recognised.

      Besides that, training situation in Australia is getting really tight for Interns. Even Australian grads who are not Australian/resident of Australia, find it difficult to get intern training. From 2010, the number of med graduates from Australian Uni are sky rocketing, the training situation for foreigners will get worse.

      I just spoke to a friend who has been working in Australia for many years, she has waited for 3 years for a chance to sit for the AMC clinical exams.

      My assessment is, it is difficult for interns/new grad to get training in Australia over the next few years. In 3-5 years, RMO/registrar training for foreigners will be hard to get too.

      Look else where for opportunities.


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